Absage aller Events für 2020
Liebe Discdogger und Freunde des Sports, (english below)
Nach tagelangem hoffen ist das Orga Team geschlossen zu dem Entschluss gekommen, die Disc Dog Challenge Germany inklusive der European Championship für 2020 abzusagen.
In verschiedenen Regionen in Deutschland wurden alle öffentlichen Veranstaltungen bis einschließlich zum 31.05.2020, unabhängig von der Teilnehmerzahl untersagt.
Davon sind die ersten beiden Turniere in Rommerskirchen und Sulingen betroffen.
Es wäre organisatorisch nicht möglich die Termine der Serie kurzfristig zu verlegen. Eine Challenge ohne diese beiden Turniere wäre nicht wirklich eine Challenge.
Wie die meisten wissen sind wir mit unseren Turnieren zu Gast auf den Sportanlagen der ortsansässigen Vereine. Aktuell fehlen den Fußballern 13 Spieltage.
Sollte für die Vereine, welche uns so herzlich aufgenommen und unterstützt haben die Chance bestehen ihre Spieltage nachzuholen hat dies natürlich Vorrang.
Natürlich möchten wir auch an unsere Hunde denken. Im benachbarten Ausland besteht teilweise schon Ausgangssperre. Unter diesen Bedingungen wird es für einige ohne Garten zum Beispiel schwer möglich sein, die Hunde auf turnierfähigem Leistungsstand zu halten.
Die Entscheidung ist uns nicht leicht gefallen, wir hoffen auf Verständnis.
Passt auf euch auf, bleibt gesund. Auf ein Wiedersehen 2021!
Euer Orga Team
Dear discdogs and friends of sport,
After days of hope, the organization team came to the decision to cancel the Disc Dog Challenge Germany including the European Championship for 2020.
In various regions in Germany, all public events were prohibited until May 31, 2020, regardless of the number of participants.
This affects the first two tournaments in Rommerskirchen and Sulingen.
Organizationally, it would not be possible to reschedule the series dates at short notice. A challenge without these two tournaments would not really be a challenge.
As most people know, with our tournaments we are guests at the sports facilities of the local clubs. The footballers are currently missing 13 match days for the football games of the season.
If there is a chance for the clubs that have welcomed and supported us so warmly, they will of course have priority.
Of course we also want to think about our dogs. There is already a curfew in neighboring countries. Under these conditions, it will be difficult for some of us for example without a garden to keep the dogs at a competitive level.
The decision was not an easy one for us, we hope for understanding.
Take care, stay healthy. See you again in 2021!
Your organization team
After days of hope, the organization team came to the decision to cancel the Disc Dog Challenge Germany including the European Championship for 2020.
In various regions in Germany, all public events were prohibited until May 31, 2020, regardless of the number of participants.
This affects the first two tournaments in Rommerskirchen and Sulingen.
Organizationally, it would not be possible to reschedule the series dates at short notice. A challenge without these two tournaments would not really be a challenge.
As most people know, with our tournaments we are guests at the sports facilities of the local clubs. The footballers are currently missing 13 match days for the football games of the season.
If there is a chance for the clubs that have welcomed and supported us so warmly, they will of course have priority.
Of course we also want to think about our dogs. There is already a curfew in neighboring countries. Under these conditions, it will be difficult for some of us for example without a garden to keep the dogs at a competitive level.
The decision was not an easy one for us, we hope for understanding.
Take care, stay healthy. See you again in 2021!
Your organization team